
Algorithm W (Damas-Hindley-Milner)

This is based on Robert Smallshire's Python code. Which is based on Andrew's Scala code. Which is based on Nikita Borisov's Perl code. Which is based on Luca Cardelli's Modula-2 code. Wow.

Type variable and built-in types are defined in the types module.

var t = require('./types');


This is the process of finding a type that satisfies some given constraints. In this system, unification will try to satisfy that either:

  1. t1 and t2 are equal type variables
  2. t1 and t2 are equal types

In case #1, if t1 is a type variable and t2 is not currently equal, unification will set t1 to have an instance of t2. When t1 is pruned, it will unchain to a type without an instance.

In case #2, do a deep unification on the type, using recursion.

If neither constraint can be met, the process will throw an error message.

var unify = function(t1, t2) {
    var i;
    t1 = prune(t1);
    t2 = prune(t2);
    if(t1 instanceof t.Variable) {
        if(t1 != t2) {
            if(occursInType(t1, t2)) {
		throw "Recursive unification";
            t1.instance = t2;
    } else if(t1 instanceof t.BaseType && t2 instanceof t.Variable) {
        unify(t2, t1);
    } else if(t1 instanceof t.BaseType && t2 instanceof t.BaseType) {
        if(t1.name != t2.name || t1.types.length != t2.types.length) {
            throw "Type error: " + t1.toString() + " is not " + t2.toString();
	for(i = 0; i < Math.min(t1.types.length, t2.types.length); i++) {
            unify(t1.types[i], t2.types[i]);
    } else {
        throw "Not unified";


This will unchain variables until it gets to a type or variable without an instance. See unify for some details about type variable instances.

var prune = function(type) {
    if(type instanceof t.Variable && type.instance) {
        type.instance = prune(type.instance);
        return type.instance;
    return type;

Fresh type

Getting a "fresh" type will create a recursive copy. When a generic type variable is encountered, a new variable is generated and substituted in.

Note: Copied types are instantiated through the BaseType constructor, this means instanceof can't be used for determining a subtype.

A fresh type is only returned when an identifier is found during analysis. See analyse for some context.

var fresh = function(type, nonGeneric, mappings) {
    if(!mappings) mappings = {};

    type = prune(type);
    if(type instanceof t.Variable) {
        if(occursInTypeArray(type, nonGeneric)) {
            return type;
	} else {
            if(!mappings[type.id]) {
                mappings[type.id] = new t.Variable();
            return mappings[type.id];

    return new t.BaseType(type.name, type.types.map(function(type) {
	return fresh(type, nonGeneric, mappings);

Occurs check

These functions check whether the type t2 is equal to or contained within the type t1. Used for checking recursive definitions in unify and checking if a variable is non-generic in fresh.

var occursInType = function(t1, t2) {
    t2 = prune(t2);
    if(t2 == t1) {
        return true;
    } else if(t2 instanceof t.BaseType) {
        return occursInTypeArray(t1, t2.types);
    return false;

var occursInTypeArray = function(t1, types) {
    return types.map(function(t2) {
	return occursInType(t1, t2);
    }).indexOf(true) >= 0;

Type analysis

analyse is the core inference function. It takes an AST node and returns the infered type.

var analyse = function(node, env, nonGeneric) {
    if(!nonGeneric) nonGeneric = [];

    return node.accept({

Function definition

Assigns a type variable to each typeless argument and return type.

Each typeless argument also gets added to the non-generic scope array. The fresh function can then return the existing type from the scope.

Assigns the function's type in the environment and returns it.

	visitFunction: function() {
	    var types = [];
            var newNonGeneric = nonGeneric.slice();

	    node.args.forEach(function(arg) {
		var argType;
		if(arg.type) {
		    argType = nodeToType(arg.type);
		} else {
		    argType = new t.Variable();
		env[arg.name] = argType;

            var resultType = analyse(node.value, env, newNonGeneric);

	    var annotationType;
	    if(node.type) {
		annotationType = nodeToType(node.type);
		unify(resultType, annotationType);

	    var functionType = new t.FunctionType(types);
            env[node.name] = functionType;

            return functionType;

Function call

Ensures that all argument types unify with the defined function and returns the function's result type.

	visitCall: function() {
	    var types = [];

	    node.args.forEach(function(arg) {
		var argType = analyse(arg, env, nonGeneric);

            var resultType = new t.Variable();

            var funType = analyse(node.name, env, nonGeneric);
            unify(new t.FunctionType(types), funType);

            return resultType;

Let binding

Infer the value's type, assigns it in the environment and returns it.

	visitLet: function() {
            var valueType = analyse(node.value, env, nonGeneric);

	    var annotionType;
	    if(node.type) {
		annotionType = nodeToType(node.type);
		unify(valueType, annotionType);

            env[node.name] = valueType;

            return valueType;


Creates a fresh copy of a type if the name is found in an enviroment, otherwise throws an error.

	visitIdentifier: function() {
	    var name = node.value;
	    if(!env[name]) {
		throw JSON.stringify(name) + " is not defined";
	    return fresh(env[name], nonGeneric);

Primitive type

	visitNumber: function() {
	    return new t.NumberType();
	visitString: function() {
	    return new t.StringType();

Converts an AST node to type system type.

var nodeToType = function(type) {
    switch(type.value) {
    case 'Number':
	return new t.NumberType();
    case 'String':
	return new t.StringType();
	return type; // Shouldn't happen

Run inference on an array of AST nodes.

var typecheck = function(ast, builtins) {
    if(!builtins) builtins = {};

    return ast.map(function(node) {
	return analyse(node, builtins);

exports.typecheck = typecheck;


if(!module.parent) {
    (function() {
	var types = typecheck([

let a = 10

Result: Number

		accept: function(a) {
		    return a.visitLet();
		value: {
		    accept: function(a) {
			return a.visitNumber();
		    value: 10

fun id x = x

Result: Function('a,'a)

		accept: function(a) {
		    return a.visitFunction();
		name: "id",
		args: [{name: "x"}],
		value: {
		    accept: function(a) {
			return a.visitIdentifier();
		    value: "x"

fun explicitNumber (x : Number) = x

Result: Function(Number,Number)

		accept: function(a) {
		    return a.visitFunction();
		name: "explicitNumber",
		args: [
			name: "x",
			type: {
			    value: 'Number'
		value: {
		    accept: function(a) {
			return a.visitIdentifier();
		    value: "x"

fun ignoreArg a = 100

Result: Function('b, Number)

		accept: function(a) {
		    return a.visitFunction();
		name: "ignoreArg",
		args: [{name: "a"}],
		value: {
		    accept: function(a) {
			return a.visitNumber();
		    value: 100

id 200

Result: Number

		accept: function(a) {
		    return a.visitCall();
		name: {
		    accept: function(a) {
			return a.visitIdentifier();
		    value: "id"
		args: [
			accept: function(a) {
			    return a.visitNumber();
			value: 100
