Roy - REPL Improvements
I’ve added a few improvements to the Roy REPL.
You can now see the type of assigned identifiers with the :t
roy> let x = 100
roy> :t x
roy> let a = [1, 2, 3]
roy> :t a
A structure’s values are printed instead of [object Object]
roy> let x = {a: 1, b: true, c: "three"}
roy> x
{"a":1,"b":true,"c":"three"} : {a: Number, b: Boolean, c: String}
A helpful message is now shown when the lexer fails:
roy> can't lex this
Couldn't tokenise: 't lex this
And you can choose not to include the prelude when running files:
$ ./roy -p examples/option.roy
{ _0: 6 }
Hopefully this will make the REPL experience a bit nicer.