S-expression Compiler in Scala
John McCarthy passed away a few weeks ago. For those unfamiliar, he invented Lisp.
After I heard the news, I wondered how hard would it be to create a tiny Lisp in Scala. I imagined that Scala’s parser combinators would make it very simple.
And then I remembered a project called Jitescript. Jitescript is a DSL inspired by Ruby’s BiteScript. Both are very simple ways to output JVM bytecode.
So, I set out to write a Lisp to JVM bytecode compiler. I managed to fit it into 63 lines of code. Sure, it’s not going to compete with Clojure any time soon but I think it shows how easy it is to write a JVM language. I think we could make it even nicer by adding some Scala magic to Jitescript.
You put the S-expression as an argument to the SBT REPL:
> run (- (- (+ (- (+ 99 11) 10) 11) 10) 10)
And then run the Lisp.class:
$ java Lisp
(Works out to the number 91)
Here are the 63 lines of Scala:
package scalispa
import util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import java.io.{ File, FileOutputStream, PrintStream }
import me.qmx.jitescript.{ JiteClass, CodeBlock }
import me.qmx.jitescript.util.CodegenUtils.{ p, ci, sig }
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes._
sealed trait Node
case class SExp(l: List[Node]) extends Node
case class SInt(i: Int) extends Node
case class SIdent(s: String) extends Node
object Parser extends RegexParsers {
def int = regex("""[0-9]+""".r) ^^ { (i: String) => SInt(i.toInt) }
def ident = regex("""[A-Za-z+-/\*]+""".r) ^^ SIdent
def sexp = "(" ~> rep(node) <~ ")" ^^ SExp
def node: Parser[Node] = int | ident | sexp
def apply(s: String) = parse(sexp, s)
object Evaluator {
def compile(b: CodeBlock, n: Node) {
n match {
case SExp(Nil) => {}
case SExp(x :: xs) => {
xs.foreach(compile(b, _))
compile(b, x)
case SInt(x) => b.pushInt(x)
case SIdent("+") => b.iadd()
case SIdent("-") => b.isub()
case SIdent("*") => b.imul()
case SIdent("/") => b.idiv()
def apply(program: SExp) {
val b = new CodeBlock
compile(b, program)
val name = "Lisp"
val c = new JiteClass(name)
c.defineMethod("main", ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, sig(classOf[Unit], classOf[Array[String]]), b)
val stream = new FileOutputStream(new File(name + ".class"))
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Parser(args mkString " ") match {
case Parser.Success(p, _) => Evaluator(p)
case a => println(a)
The code is up on Bitbucket, under the unimaginative repo name of Scalispa. Let me know what you think!